Things just keep getting better
This blog post was published in 2020. The improvements described in the post are now in place and available to all SMARTY customers, regardless of plan, at no extra cost!
At SMARTY we’ve been making some great improvements to our network.
First, we launched Voice over LTE or VoLTE, so voice calls can be made over the 4G network. It’s essentially calling in HD. Our friends at Three have a handy device tool that you can use to see if your phone is compatible here.
Then we introduced WiFi Calling to help supercharge your signal. WiFi Calling allows you to make calls and send texts wherever you are connected to WiFi in the UK. You can find out more and check if your phone is compatible here.
So, what’s next?
We’re currently working to upgrade our remaining cell sites to the 800MHz spectrum which will enhance indoor coverage in most areas.
We’re also improving cell sizes to relieve congestion and improve speeds by up to 130% on a 1400MHz frequency called L-band.
Want to know more?
If you’ve still got some questions, anything you want to know about our network can be found by visiting the ‘Network and service’ section of our Help and Support area.

- December 22nd, 2020