Stay flexible with your data during lockdown 3
With a third national lockdown keeping us all indoors once again, you need a SIM plan that’s flexible enough to meet your data needs as they continue to change.
If you don’t have home broadband or find that it’s struggling to cope at the moment, it may be time to think about upgrading to a SMARTY 30GB, 50GB or Unlimited plan. There are no restrictions on tethering, so you can use your smartphone as a WiFi hotspot for your home.
Having a plan with lots of data is great when you have the chance to use it. But when you’re taking advantage of your home WiFi, all that data just goes to waste. Why not drop down to one of our 1GB, 2GB and 3GB Data Discount plans and get credit back at the end of each month for any unused data – it’s easy to switch if less data suits you better just now.
But what about if you’re already on a 2GB or 3GB plan? Well, there’s no need to swap down to a 1GB plan, because you’ll get credit back for your unused data anyway.
All of our plans, big and small, come with fast 4G and 3G data, unlimited calls and texts, and no speed caps – because who needs those.
So how do you switch plans?
To switch your plan, login to your Dashboard and click ‘change plan’. Select the amount of data you want and your chosen plan will start on your next renewal date. And don’t worry, you can switch back to your usual plan when things get back to normal.
Now that’s SMARTY.

- February 4th, 2021