SMARTY is 4 years old
This week SMARTY turns 4. It’s a huge milestone for us and one that we’re excited to have reached. But we know we wouldn’t be here without you.
Thanks to your support we’ve got a lot to be proud of.
We’ve won 4 Uswitch awards since SMARTY began. That’s one for every year.
We’ve got a ‘Great’ 4 star average on both Trustpilot and Google Reviews.
Plus, we’re one of only 3 networks to be a Which? Recommended provider in 2021.
But that’s not all.
Our fourth year also saw the launch WiFi Calling to supercharge your signal and the launch of the new SMARTY app to make managing your account even easier.
That’s got to be worth a fist bump… or 4!
Now, let’s eat some cake.

- August 30th, 2021