Quarantine or quaran-clean?
Ok, so you probably weren’t expecting to be stuck inside for the next however many weeks. But every cloud has a silver lining and we think that quarantine might be the perfect excuse for a good spring clean.
Become a fridge raider
Get rid of anything that’s too expired in your fridge or kitchen cupboard. And if you find a few items that are on their way out, think of how you could create a meal out of them – even if you don’t eat it there and then, you can freeze it for later. The less waste you make, the less shopping you have to fight over in the supermarket.
Makeover your makeup
There’s no greater time than the present to reorganise your makeup stash. Throw out the old stuff and rejuvenate those tired brushes. You can even do some crafting and create brush pots out of old tins or make draw dividers to keep those lipsticks and eyeshadows separate.
Closet cleanse
How many items of clothing in your wardrobe have you never worn? And how many have you not worn in a LONG time? Now is the perfect time to declutter your wardrobe and rediscover some iconic looks! Put your clothes into two piles – a keep and a donate. You might find some things you want to customise, sell on eBay , or turn into cushions?
Declutter your documents
You’ve likely been putting it off. But perhaps self-isolation is the ideal time to sort out all your important paperwork. From wage slips to utility bills, get your personal documents in order and shred and recycle the things you don’t need anymore.
Car wash
Get outside while the sun’s shining and clean the car. Empty out the boot and give the footwells a good hoover. It’s a great excuse to get out of the house for a bit, even if it’s only as far as the drive.
Start a scrapbook
Got lots of old photos that you’ve always meant to collate into a beautiful album? Well now’s the time. Create a scrapbook of memories of the times when you were allowed to leave the house – it’ll be fun and keep those photos safe.
Tidy your bookcase
Old books, CDs and DVDs – what do you do with them? Places like musicMagpie offer easy ways to recycle the things you no longer want. Then you can start a brand new collection.
Swap your mobile
Do you have a draw in your house somewhere full of old mobiles that for some reason you can’t bring yourself to throw away? Us too. Why not put them to better use – trade them in to get money off a new phone, give them to charity or send them to the developing world.
So go clean, declutter and tidy to your hearts content (there’s not much else to do anyway).

- April 5th, 2020