How to find school holiday deals
When it comes to booking a holiday for the whole family, things can get pricey! So, here are a few tips on how to find school holiday deals that’ll save you time and money.
Book in advance
One of the best ways to save money on a school holiday is to book in advance. You can book a holiday over a year before you travel, and while you’re not always guaranteed the best prices this way (last minute deals tend to be cheaper), it does mean that you can analyse the prices ahead of time and find the best airlines to fly with.
Set up alerts and don’t be afraid to impulse book
With Skyscanner price alerts you need never miss a holiday deal again. Even if you can’t commit to buying the tickets right now, setting up a price alert will warn you when the price starts to increase (flight prices often increase when a flight starts to fill up) or drop, so that you can quickly snatch up a deal.
Learn how to save money on your holiday
If you can save money on certain parts of your holiday, then you’ll be able to afford to pay a little more for other things. For example, if you can get a deal on attractions, then you may be able to splash out a little more on accommodation. Likewise, if you can cut the price of your parking fees at the airport, then you’ll have a bit more spending money while you’re away. Here are a few suggestions to help you cut the costs of your holiday:
- Make sure you have roaming data and that you’re able to tether so you don’t need to worry about WiFi. SMARTY’s data sim plans are a great option, with EU roaming, tethering included and no contract to tie you down.
- Find cheaper airport parking options on JustPark.
- Always look around for accommodation. Hotels might be the traditional option, but Airbnb can often be cheaper and perfect for families too.
Skip the travel agent if you know what you’re doing
Travel agents can offer you fantastic deals if you’re willing to book several things together, such as hotel, flights, parking and entertainment. But if you have the time to do the research, then you might find it cheaper to handle it all yourself.
The summer sun is calling. So good luck and happy travels.

- February 13th, 2020