Forget music. Turn off the TV. Choose a podcast.
If you’ve overplayed all your favourite songs on Spotify, binge-watched every single series on Netflix and are now sitting on your sofa staring at the wall and wondering what to do – have you tried podcasts?
There are some great things to listen to on a whole range of topics – from true crime to sport, comedy and cooking.
While the first place you may look for a podcast is Spotify, there are also loads of other apps where you’ll find quality things to listen to. Check out Podcast Insights for a list of great options for iOS and Android.
One of our favourite podcasts is the award-winning Serial, which tells one true crime story over the course of a season. The first follows the murder of a high school senior, the second an AWOL soldier in Afghanistan, and the third season gives you an insight into criminal justice in Cleveland, USA.
But if you fancy something a little different, check out these ‘Top podcasts of 2020’ lists by Esquire and Glamour, to see if there’s anything to tickle your fancy.
And if all this podcasting starts to eat up your data, why not jump to an Unlimited SIM plan from SMARTY and enjoy all the data, calls and texts you’ll ever need.

- May 25th, 2023