Flexible gym membership
We all know how it goes; you sign up to the gym on January 1st with only the best intentions, but life manages to get in the way, and you haven’t been back since. Or perhaps you love your workout time, but can’t justify the cost of gym membership when you know you won’t make it every day.
Whether you’re a regular gym bunny or a workout wannabe, pay-as-you-go membership is latest (and greatest) invention since sliced bread.
How does it work?
Pay-as-you-go gym membership through companies such as Hussle is very simple; you buy a day pass to the gym, show your code on entry and enjoy your workout. Choose from thousands of gyms, swimming pools and spas across the country.
If you know you’re likely to use the gym a lot, then monthly membership might be a better option, whilst still allowing you more flexibility than a standard contract would.
What are the benefits of flexible gym membership?
No commitments. Long contracts can be very off-putting, particularly if you’re uncertain about what you will get out of the gym in the first place. At SMARTY we agree that flexibility should be a given, that’s why all our SIM plans last 1 month and you can change or cancel at any time.
Time to get used to the gym on your own terms. After the initial discomfort or anxiety of the first couple of sessions, you’ll start to look forward to your next gym hit, without worrying about it being cost-effective.
Freedom to find a gym you feel at home in. Some gyms may feel a bit intimidating, so finding the right space for you is important if you hope to keep up a routine. Day passes allow you to try out all the available gyms in your area without the obligation of signing a contract.
Use the gym wherever you are. This sort of membership is brilliant if you have a job that requires you to stay away in hotels all over the country. Just find a gym near you, purchase a day pass and you’re away.
Mix up your routine and never be bored again. Chop and change between gyms that offer different facilities, such as swimming pools. Using the Hussle app, you’ll be able to find out about all the amenities of each gym before you book.
The Hussle app is available to download on iOS and Android.
Happy workouts.

- November 18th, 2019