Caring for your community during lockdown
No one could have guessed what 2020 had in store. Now, as we make our way through a second national lockdown, it’s more important than ever that we stick together and help each other out.
If you haven’t already, check out COVID-19 Mutual Aid UK. It’s an amazing band of volunteers supporting local community groups who are organising mutual aid, resources and connections for those in need, all across the country.
If you’re interested in getting involved – helping to run errands or providing emotional comfort to those who need it – check out the COVID-19 Mutual Aid UK website where you can find your local group.
If we all do our bit (and forget about stock-piling toilet paper) we can make self-isolation happier, safer and healthier for the most vulnerable in our communities. And maybe, just maybe, have a Merry Christmas all together.
Thank you for doing your bit.

- November 12th, 2020